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How to Talk to Your Child About Coronavirus Disease 2019

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by everything you’re hearing about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) right now. It’s also understandable if your children are feeling anxious, too. Children might find it difficult to understand what they are seeing online or on TV – or hearing from other people – so they can be particularly vulnerable to feelings of anxiety, stress and sadness. But having an open, supportive discussion with your children can help them understand, cope and even make a positive contribution for others.

1.  Ask open questions and listen

Start by inviting your child to talk about the issue. Find out how much they already know and follow their lead. If they are particularly young and haven’t already heard about the outbreak, you may not need to raise the issue – just take the chance to remind them about good hygiene practices without introducing new fears.

Make sure you are in a safe environment and allow your child to talk freely. Drawing, stories and other activities may help to open up a discussion.

Most importantly, don’t minimize or avoid their concerns. Be sure to acknowledge their feelings and assure them that it’s natural to feel scared about these things. Demonstrate that you’re listening by giving them your full attention, and make sure they understand that they can talk to you and their teachers whenever they like.

2.  Be honest: explain the truth in a child-friendly way

Children have a right to truthful information about what’s going on in the world, but adults also have a responsibility to keep them safe from distress. Use age-appropriate language, watch their reactions, and be sensitive to their level of anxiety.

If you can’t answer their questions, don’t guess. Use it as an opportunity to explore the answers together. Websites of international organizations like UNICEF and the World Health Organization are great sources of information. Explain that some information online isn’t accurate, and that it’s best to trust the experts.

3.  Show them how to protect themselves and their friends

One of the best ways to keep children safe from coronavirus and other diseases is to simply encourage regular handwashing. It doesn’t need to be a scary conversation. Sing along with The Wiggles or follow this dance to make learning fun.

You can also show children how to cover a cough or a sneeze with their elbow, explain that it’s best not to get too close to people who have those symptoms, and ask them to tell you if they start to feel like they have a fever, cough or are having difficulty breathing.

4. Offer reassurance

When we’re seeing lots of troubling images on TV or online, it can sometimes feel like the crisis is all around us. Children may not distinguish between images on screen and their own personal reality, and they may believe they’re in imminent danger. You can help your children cope with the stress by making opportunities for them to play and relax, when possible. Keep regular routines and schedules as much as possible, especially before they go to sleep, or help create new ones in a new environment.

If you are experiencing an outbreak in your area, remind your children that they are not likely to catch the disease, that most people who do have coronavirus don’t get very sick, and that lots of adults are working hard to keep your family safe.

If your child does feel unwell, explain that they have to stay at home/at the hospital because it is safer for them and their friends. Reassure them that you know it is hard (maybe scary or even boring) at times, but that following the rules will help keep everyone safe.

5. Check if they are experiencing or spreading stigma

The outbreak of coronavirus has brought with it numerous reports of racial discrimination around the world, so it’s important to check that your children are neither experiencing nor contributing to bullying.

Explain that coronavirus has nothing to do with what someone looks like, where they are from or what language they speak. If they have been called names or bullied at school, they should feel comfortable telling an adult whom they trust.

Remind your children that everyone deserves to be safe at school. Bullying is always wrong and we should each do our part to spread kindness and support each other.

6. Look for the helpers

It’s important for children to know that people are helping each other with acts of kindness and generosity.

Share stories of health workers, scientists and young people, among others, who are working to stop the outbreak and keep the community safe. It can be a big comfort to know that compassionate people are taking action.

7. Take care of yourself

You’ll be able to help your kids better if you’re coping, too. Children will pick up on your own response to the news, so it helps them to know you’re calm and in control.

If you’re feeling anxious or upset, take time for yourself and reach out to other family, friends and trusted people in your community. Make some time to do things that help you relax and recuperate. 

8. Close conversations with care

It’s important to know that we’re not leaving children in a state of distress. As your conversation wraps up, try to gauge their level of anxiety by watching their body language, considering whether they’re using their usual tone of voice and watching their breathing.

Remind your children that they can have other difficult conversations with you at any time. Remind them that you care, you’re listening and that you’re available whenever they’re feeling worried.


Bipolar Bozukluk

Birçoğumuz dönem dönem kendimizi hasta değilken kolumuzu kaldıramayacak kadar halsiz veya herhangi bir sebep yokken ağlayacak kadar mutsuz hissedebiliyoruz. Bazen üç saatimizi esir alan bu duygular kimi zamanlarda günlerce ya da haftalarca sürebilir. Sadece ruhsal değil, fiziksel etkiler de bırakabilecek olan depresyon, bireylerde yaş durumuna bağlı olarak da değişkenlik gösterebilir. Sizler için derlediğimiz bu yazıda depresyonun ne olduğunu ve nasıl tedavi edilebileceğini öğreneceksiniz.

Depresyon Nedir?

Depresyon, düzenli olarak üzgün ve mutsuz hissettirmesinin yanı sıra, dış dünyaya olan tüm ilgi ve alakanın kaybolmasına neden olabilecek bir duygu durum bozukluğudur. Depresyon, bireylerin gündelik hayatta ev, iş yerleri gibi alanlarda yaptıkları genel aktivitelerini, günlük rutinlerini yapamama veya keyif alarak gerçekleştirdikleri eylemlerden artık keyif almama halidir. Hiçbir depresyon belirtisi anlık olarak değerlendirilmemelidir. Tedavi edilebileceği gibi kişinin durumuna göre de değişkenlik gösteren bir tedavi süreci yaşanabilir.

Depresyon Belirtileri

Depresyon insanın hayatı boyunca bir defa ya da birçok defa görülebilir. Süreç içerisinde belirtiler günün büyük bir bölümünde kendini gösterebilir ve sonraki günlerde durmadan tekrarlayabilir:

  • Sık görülen uyku düzeninin bozulması
  • Yalnız hissetme, başkaları tarafından anlaşılamama duygusu
  • Hareketlerde ve konuşmada yavaşlık
  • Gündelik olaylara veya hobilere,ilgi alanlarına karşı duyarsızlaşma
  • Devamlı olarak yorgunluk hissetme hali
  • Herhangi bir neden olmadan yaşanılan vücut eklem ağrıları ve baş ağrısı
  • Sebepsiz öfke nöbetleri veya ağlama krizleri
  • Aniden kesilen iştah veya aşırı yemek yeme hali

Bu maddelerden birçoğu gündelik hayatınızı olumsuz bir şekilde etkiliyorsa depresyon ile karşı karşıya olduğunuz ve  psikoterapi yardımı görmeniz gerektiği anlamına gelir.

Depresyonun Nedenleri

Bireyden bireye, yaşa ve hatta cinsiyete göre değişkenlik gösteren depresyonun nedeni henüz kesin olarak bilinemese de yaşanan bu duygu durum bozukluğunun kişinin beyin yapısında fiziksel değişimlere yol açabileceği görülmektedir. Biz de depresyona neden olan etkenleri sizler için maddeler halinde listeledik:

  • Erken yaşanan ebeveyn kaybı
  • Sosyoekonomik kaygılar ve işsizlik kaygısı
  • Düzenli yaşanan olaylarda beklenmedik değişmeler
  • Çocuklukta yaşanmış travma, cinsel istismar veya fiziksel şiddet
  • Büyük felaketler
  • Aile içerisinde yaşanan huzursuzluk, şiddet veya iletişimsizlik
  • Özgüven eksikliği, aşırı özeleştiride bulunma
  • Başkaları tarafından eleştirilme korkusuyla farklı davranma
  • Aile bireylerinde psikolojik rahatsızlıklar bulunması. (Bipolar bozukluk, alkolizm, intihar eylemi vb.)
  • Felç, kanser, kalp rahatsızlıkları gibi ciddi hastalıkların varlığının olması

Bunlar ve bunlar gibi birçok neden depresyonu tetikler ve depresyon tedavisi görülmediği takdirde ilerleyebilecek bir rahatsızlıktır.

Depresyon Tedavisi

Depresyon tedavisi kişinin yaşadığı duygu durum bozukluğunun, eğer varsa çocukluk travmalarının giderilmesini amaçlayan bir tedavi planlamasıdır. Hafif şiddetli belirti gösteren bireylerde psikoterapi tek başına yeterli olup birkaç haftada sonuç göstermeye başlayarak 2-4 ay aralığındaki süreçte düzenli terapiyle tamamen ortadan kalkabilir. Orta düzeyde bir hastada ise psikoterapiyle beraber ilaç kullanımı daha etkili olacaktır.

Çok daha ağır görülen vakalarda hastane yatışı sağlanması, yoğun görülen psikoterapiyle beraber aile terapisi ve biyolojik tedaviler uygulanması doğru olandır.

Günümüzde ve içinde bulunduğumuz koşullarda pek çok insan kendini zaman zaman mutsuz, üzgün veya endişeli hissedebilir. Bu durum günümüz koşulları ele alındığında çok normaldir ancak aşırı umutsuzluğa kapılma, durmadan devam eden mutsuzluk hali, kendini değersiz hissetmek, yalnızlaştığını düşünmek gibi durumlar 14 gün süreyle ara vermeksizin devam ediyorsa bu durum tıbbi bir durumdur ve depresyon tedavisi görülmesi gerekiyor demektir.

En net tanı için Ankara depresyon tedavisi alanında hizmet veren bize  veya doktorunuza başvurabilir, profesyonel bir destek talebinde bulunabilirsiniz.

There once was a young woman who was very tired of always being the one on her own in the bedroom. She wanted someone to help her out with some of the heavier loads and decided to post a Craigslist ad looking for a male companion to help her out. She was very excited when she received a response from a man who said that he was interested in helping her out. They arranged a time for him to come over and help her with some of the heavier loads. When he arrived, she showed him to the bedroom and told him to start loading the bed with all of the clothes that she wanted him to take. She was excited to see his reaction when he saw all of the clothes piled up on the bed. She was also excited to see his reaction when he saw her getting down on the bed to help him with the loads. When they were finished, she thanked him and he left. She was happy to have found someone who was willing to help her out with some of the heavier loads.

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